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Why you should be attending Photography Workshops (Part 3)


Photography workshops keep you up to date 

Since its original inception in the 18th century, through to the early 2000's, photography didn't really change a great deal. Yes there were innovations, but on the whole the principles were the same.

Then, when digital photography came to the forefront, it seemed that tastes, styles and possibilities became endless and with it huge amounts of changes, often year after year.

Workshops are a great way of keeping up with new ideas, leaning about new technology, finding out what's happening and quite often to try new equipment too.

You'll quite often find yourself talking to someone with a crazy new piece of equipment and you'll find yourself asking 'What does that do???'

Attending a new workshop regularly is an INVALUABLE way to find out about new trends, pieces of equipment and techniques that will keep you challenged and inspired.

Invest in Yourself 

"Ultimately, there's one investment that supersedes all others: Invest in yourself," 

Warren Buffett

 If you speak to any business 'Guru' they will tell you that the very best thing you can do is invest in yourself, your knowledge base and learning…

This is probably the best advice you'll ever get and applies to your photography too.Workshops are probably the cheapest and best way to improve your photography knowledge base. Most importantly they are generally also more focussed on the things that interest you.

By the time you've finished the course you will also have gained 2 or 3 other people who you can draw upon as your new knowledge base.

Improve your portfolio 

Undoubtedly you'll have a body of work that is your very best work… Your portfolio! You may be immensely proud of it or you may feel that it needs work.

However, if you ask any professional photographer to show you their portfolio from 5 years previous, they will probably wince a little and say that it's not all as good as their current work…

This is because as a professional photographer, it really is a case of 'Evolve or die'. You HAVE to keep coming up with fresh new ideas and concepts to promote yourself and attract new clients.

If you don't you'll find that sooner or later you end up looking exactly the same as all the other photographers in the market and you'll no longer stand out.

Photography Workshops can be an amazing way to improve your portfolio and get some outstanding shots.

You'll generally get an opportunity to shoot some images and these will all be set up for you, perfectly lit and with professional models or your timely arrival for a landscape shoot will coordinate perfectly with the best light of the day for that location. That's no accident. Your host most likely spent many trips to that location to familiarize him or herself with that spot so you can maximize your trip and get the best possible portfolio shot available.

Because all of these aspects are taken care of for you and you'll be shown how to take some of the best images… you'll find that these images are all perfect… and of course that you'll have improved in your photography!

By now we have discussed many reasons from Part 1 through this post for part 3. Believe it or not there's more. I hope you are beginning to see the value in community learning, or photography workshops. If so, please feel free to leave some feedback at the bottom of the page.

If you think you are ready to join a workshop take a look at my Photography Workshops line up here; https://kfrenchphoto.com/workshops/ 

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Why you should be attending Photography Workshops ...
Why you should be attending Photography workshops ...

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